Kalbajar and Lachin Small Hydro Power Plants
We design and adapt "Tarter-1", "Galaca 1-2", "Malıbey" and "Minkend" Small Hydro Power Plants projects in Lachin and Kalbajar regions. The KALBAJAR and LACHIN regions of Karabakh have significant potential for small hydro power plants due to the presence of several rivers and streams that could be harnessed for energy production. Small hydro power plants typically have a capacity of less than 10 megawatts (MW) and can provide reliable, renewable energy for local communities.
Some of the potential sites for small hydro power plants in these regions include the Tartar River, Zabukh River and the Hakari River. The development of small hydro power plants in these regions could provide a reliable source of electricity for local communities.
However, the development of small hydro power plants in these regions would also need to take into account the potential environmental impacts, such as changes to water flow and habitat disruption, and the cultural and social impacts on local communities.
There may be opportunities for the development of small hydro power plants and other renewable energy projects to support the region's sustainable development.