Turyanchay Reservoir

On additional measures to ensure the efficient use of water resources signed by President Ilham Aliyev dated July 27, 2020. The order envisages the creation of the Alijanchay, Gudyalchay, Velvelichay, Garachay, Gusarchay, Aghsuchay, Turyanchay, Yengijay and Vilyashchay reservoirs.

PROMOR LLC and NFB Engineering and Consultancy INC have established a joint consortium for the feasibility study of the Turyanchay reservoir.

For the successful implementation of the project, the following main sections of the feasibility study are developed:

  • Investigation and evaluation of preliminary studies and project documents prepared for the Turyanchay water reservoir and irrigation area.
  • Determination of areas for the creation of a water reservoir based on the evaluation of water resources, hydromorphological and morphometric elements of Turyanchay River;
  • Based on the comparison of various options, the selection of the location and water level of the water reservoir suitable for the technically and economically favorable option;
  • Determining the irrigation area where it will be possible to provide water depending on the irrigation capacity of the regulated water flow in the Turyanchay reservoir and the water demand of the plants to be cultivated.
  • Preparation of water management reports.
  • Reservoir and its irrigation engineer-geological and hydrogeological studies, conducting hydrological research, assessment of maximum water consumption and channel processes of rivers and streams.
  • Preparation of topographical plans of the area where the reservoir and irrigation canals will be located
  • Determination of automated and remote control system (SCADA) based on alternative options, providing water measuring equipment and devices for efficient organization and management of water reservoir and irrigation canals operation at the level of modern requirements.
  • Investigating the construction of a small hydropower plant that will work according to the irrigation schedule in the reservoir area from a technical and economic point of view.
  • Normative and international standards in force in Azerbaijan calculation of the economic indicators of the project according to the requirements.
  • Preparation of environmental impact assessment report.
  • Risk assessment and preparation of measures to eliminate negative effects.
  • Determining the cost of construction in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation in force in Azerbaijan.

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